Louisville escorts can live a very satisfying lifestyle, but it's not likely to be a glamorous one. Don't expect to instantly be driving a Jag or a Benz, and that mansion on the hill is still a very long way off. There are lessons and skills to learn first. Just like any other occupation, you have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can fly.
One of the first lessons Louisville escorts must learn is punctuality. Being late or not showing up for a date is absolutely unacceptable. No amount of flat tires, traffic jams or babysitter problems will excuse being late. Even if your date shrugs it off, your tardiness will be noted and your tip (or lack of) will reflect how unhappy your date was with having to wait on you. If you work for an escort agency, even one late arrival could be met with a stern warning. Two late arrivals (or just 1 no-show) could cost you your job. The client's time is money, and no-one likes to waste their time or money.
Some dates may simply require you to bring your pretty little face to and sexy body to a party or corporate event. Once the event is over, your job is done. Face it. We all know that nothing livens up a party like sexy women ready to talk, laugh and dance the night away. A corporate event may be attended by a few people who don't have a companion. It's not uncommon for a host to introduce the solo attendee to a nice lady who happens to also be in need of someone to share a table with or to chat with during an intermission. No-one needs to know you were paid to be there, and you choose whether you leave alone or with someone.
Not all waitresses were always waitresses, and they don't all retire from that job. Likewise, not all escorts dreamt of being an escort, made a career of it, and retired as an escort. While it is easy to get accustomed to the money that can be earned, some people are not motivated by the money. Some Louisville escorts only stay long enough to achieve a goal, such as pay for college or recover from a financial hardship. It can be difficult to work a full-time job to support yourself while also attending college full-time or even part-time. Some people make ends meet by spending a few hours each week going on dates when they want to and with whom they want to. They move back into other employment when college is over or when the financial hurdle has been overcome.
In our next article for Louisville Escorts, we will discuss some of the challenges that escorts face in their personal lives.